6th Annual DC'S LOVE LOCS Natural Hair Expo: KeeKee's Kids Korner.

 I am honored to have created KeeKee's Kids Korner, children entertainment during the 6th Annual DC LOVE LOCS Natural Hair Expo. KeeKee's Kids Korner was a safe, healthy, playful environment provided for the children while their parents participated in workshops and other festivities during the Expo. There were plenty of games and other activities for the children to explore. 5 hours of pure fun! At the end of KeeKee"s Kids Korner,  I gave the children gift bags filled with prizes and candy as a "Thank You" for attending. 

DC LOVE LOC'S is the first Natural Hair Expo to allow entertainment for the children. I am glad to have shared my idea to provide children entertainment during the expo. I am happy Tempie agreed to allow me to host KeeKee"s Kids Korner (my dream) during her natural hair expo. I am also happy that it was a huge success.  Here are a few testimonials from the parents.

  •  "She had a ball! Thank you for looking out after her. That was an awesome service to provide. I took too classes and got to tour the vendors without 'lil bit. Thank you for the great goodie bag too! Be well." Kia Williams

  • "I want to thank you for doing my daughters face. Maybe that's why she got up and danced on the stage. Lol thanks." Melita Jefferson
NOTE: To ensure the safety of each child and family, children will only be referred by their initials. 

  The children were gearing up for the Balloon Race.
They had to run with the balloon in between their legs.
At the finish line, they had to pop the balloon under their
bottom. I recorded a video of the Balloon Race but 

deleted it by accident. BUMMER!
"D" jumping up for the balloon.
The children playing the game "Muscle Man".
It was a 1 min. race to see who can stuff their teammate
with the most Balloons. The winning team wins a prize...
One child won an MP3 Player complimentary of Chi Chi Sophistication Natural Hair Care Studio
The Boys won this game....
but the fun part was counting the balloons while
popping them with a pin...The children loved that part.
"D" & "N" playing Memory.
"D" won having the most matches.
The "M" family playing Monopoly.
Baby "D" playing with the balloon.
Painting: Basket Ball & Sailboat...I tried lol
Mr. Busy Pants...lol
The Children were painting.
The Artist of this painting is the little lady in the
 picture below. I think she did an wonderful job.
"K" playing Memory all by herself....
surrounded by candy.
"C" and Elmo blowing bubbles....
She did not put Elmo down.
Not even for a second lol
It was Story Time but these kids were "over it"
They just wanted to PLAY PLAY PLAY! 
Story Time Who????? Not interested. HaHa
For more information about KeeKee"s Kids Korner Children's Entertainment Services and how to book us for your next event, email me at chichisophistication@comcast.net

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